ECDL-F – European Computer Driving Licence Foundation


The Croatian Information Technology Society (CITS) and the Croatian Chamber of Economy, with support from the Croatian Employment Service, the Central State Administrative Office for e-Croatia, and the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship have been conducting a series of symposia, presentations and round table meetings under the name ‘ECDL – the European Standard in Computer Literacy’. Since July 2011, the meetings have been held in various different regions throughout the entire country.
The aim of the symposia has been to raise awareness about the importance of digital literacy in all sectors of the economy. Participants (small and medium entrepreneurs and public officials) have been encouraged to promote digital education in schools, in the public administration, among the unemployed, those with disabilities, minority groups, and others. CITS experts have been explaining the advantages of digital literacy in relation to operational efficiency and cost reduction. The action has contributed to a significant increase in the number of ECDL candidates enrolled last year.
Croatia will become an EU member next year. The role of digital literacy as a basis of e-business has been recognised by local authorities as a factor which significantly contributes to the competitiveness of businesses, government, and the country as a whole.


ECDL-F je neprofitna organizacija osnovana od Europske udruge informatičkih društava (CEPIS) čiji je zadatak promocija, razvoj i provjera informatičkih znanja i vještina. Osnovana je kao rezultat inicijative Komisije EU u želji podizanja razina IT vještina u Europi.

ECDL-F izdaje licencna prava za provođenje ideje ECDL nacionalnim informatičkim društvima koja na području Europe moraju biti članice CEPISa. Nacionalna informatička društva zatim prenose svoja certifikacijska prava na lokalne testne centre. Testni centri na temelju provjere znanja izdaju European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) odnosno Europska računalnu diplomu.

EDCL je međunarodno priznati certifikat, kojim se potvrđuje da je pojedinac ovladao osnovnim informatičkim vještinama kao što su: korištenje računala i datoteka, kreiranje tekstova, tablične kalkulacije, kreiranje baze podataka, prezentacije, korištenje elektroničke pošte i Interneta.

Europska je unija preporučila uvođenje EDCL programu u Europi.


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